Hi, I'm
Oliver Gaskell
My Projects

Affordable custom keyboard kits packed with premium features.
Tau.4 Group Buy finished, Click the link above for the latest update.

A Windows95 replica that runs in your browser.
Revisit the 90s World Wide Web with Web95. With a fully functioning Windows95-style window manager, and a web browser that processes webpages to make them look like they're really from '95, Web95 will take you back.
A Ray Marcher rendering engine built in Python.
After watching some YouTube videos recently about RayMarching, I wanted to use it in a python program. However, I discovered there were no libraries for ray marching available for python, so I decided to write this!
It's still very much in development - it works, just about, but can only render silhouettes of shapes since there's no lighting of any sort. Also there's lots of bugs and it's very inefficient.
A CPU simulator, inspired by LMC, written in Python.
I've been using the Little Man Computer in my Computer Science class quite frequently recently, and while easy to use, and great for begginers, it's quite limited once you start writing longer programs. For example, the maximum of 100 RAM addresses and the lack of logic operations. This inspired me to create this project.